3 Putt Avoidance: The Stat For Mid to High Handicappers

3 Putt Avoidance: The Stat For Mid to High Handicappers

3 Putt Avoidance: Let’s face it, golfers of all levels have a nemesis lurking on the putting green: the dreaded three-putt. It’s a scorecard killer, a confidence crusher, and the sound of those three taps can echo in your ears long after the round. But fear not, mid- to high-handicap heroes! Here’s your battle plan to slay the three-putt dragon and shave strokes off your game.

Understanding Your Putting Enemy:

Before we unleash our putting prowess, let’s identify the culprits behind those extra whacks. Here are the common three-putt foes:

  • Distance Control Demons: This villain whispers sweet nothings in your ear, leading to mishits that leave you miles short or blowing the putt by a country mile.
  • Read Misreads: Those pesky slopes and undulations can turn a seemingly straightforward putt into a green-reading labyrinth.
  • Putting Yips: This anxiety-fueled gremlin throws your stroke into disarray, leading to jerky movements and an inconsistent putting motion.

Taming the Distance Demon:

Distance control is the cornerstone of good putting. Here’s how to tame the beast:

  • Lag Putting Practice: Master the art of “getting close enough.” Focus on drills where you aim to lag putts within tap-in range, regardless of the distance. This builds feel and confidence in your stroke.
  • The “Feels” Method: Instead of obsessing over exact yardages, focus on the “feel” of the putt. How hard should the putt feel on a scale of 1 to 10? Experiment with different swing lengths to find the feels that correspond to various distances.
  • The “Two-Ball” Drill: Place two balls at varying distances from the hole. Aim to hit both balls with the same stroke, focusing on replicating the feel rather than pinpointing exact distances.

Conquering the Read Misread:

Green reading is a skill that improves with experience, but there are ways to accelerate the process:

  • Read Before You Hit: Take your time to analyze the putt from multiple angles. Consider the slope, grain (direction the grass grows), and any potential breaks (changes in direction).
  • Visualize the Path: Imagine the path you want the ball to take, taking into account any borrows (subtle curves in the green). Use visual cues like starting and ending points to create a clear picture in your mind.
  • The “Mark the Line” Drill: Place a coin or ball marker on the perceived line of the putt. Aim to hit your putt over this line, allowing the break to take the ball towards the hole.

Vanquishing the Putting Yips:

The yips can wreak havoc on your putting stroke. Here are some tips to keep your putting motion smooth and steady:

  • Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome: Don’t get bogged down by the pressure of making the putt. Focus on replicating your putting routine and maintaining a smooth, controlled stroke.
  • Develop a Consistent Pre-Shot Routine: This routine could involve a few practice swings, taking a deep breath, or visualizing your putt. Having a routine helps build trust in your stroke and reduces anxiety.
  • The “Mirror Drill”: Practice your putting stroke in front of a mirror. Pay attention to your posture, head position, and overall balance. This visual feedback helps identify any tension or inconsistencies in your stroke.

Bonus Round: Putting Gear for the Mid- to High-Handicap Golfer:

While a fancy putter won’t magically eliminate three-putts, the right equipment can make a difference. Here are some considerations:

  • Mallet Putter: Forgiveness is key! Mallet putters tend to have a larger sweet spot, which can help minimize distance control issues on mishits.
  • Heavier Putter Head: A heavier putter head can promote a smoother tempo and reduce those jerky yip-inducing movements.


Taming the three-putt dragon takes time, dedication, and practice. Celebrate the good putts, learn from the bad ones, and most importantly, have fun on the putting green! By focusing on these tips and developing your putting skills, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a putting powerhouse and leaving those three-putt blues behind.

Keep in mind:

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Dedicate time to focused putting practice. Aim for quality over quantity, focusing on replicating good putting mechanics.
  • Seek Professional Help: A few lessons with a qualified golf instructor can provide invaluable insights into your putting technique and help you identify areas for improvement.
  • The Mental Game: Stay positive. The mental game plays a crucial role in conquering three-putts.
  • Embrace the Lag Putt: Don’t be afraid to two-putt. Aiming for a close first putt, even if it doesn’t go in, is a far better strategy than a shaky, long putt that can easily turn into a three-putt nightmare.
  • Focus on the Process, Not the Score: Don’t let the pressure of your score or potential three-putt cloud your judgment. Focus on each putt individually, replicating your routine and trusting your process.
  • Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative thoughts with encouraging affirmations. Remind yourself of the practice you’ve put in and visualize success.
  • The “Bogey Wedge” Mentality: Sometimes, the best strategy is to accept a bogey and move on. If you’re facing a long, difficult putt, consider chipping it closer for a more manageable putt.


Golf is a game of highs and lows. There will be good putts and bad putts. The key is to learn from each putt, stay positive, and keep your focus on the next shot. Embrace the challenge of conquering the three-putt dragon, and watch your scores improve as your putting confidence soars!

Bonus Tip:

Keep a “Three-Putt Jar” on the go. Every time you three-putt during a practice session, add a dollar (or another designated amount) to the jar. Use the money for something fun, like a new round of golf with friends, or donate it to a charity. This can add a lighthearted element to the “three-putt struggle” and motivate you to minimize those extra whacks.

By following these tips, mid- to high-handicap golfers can wage war on the three-putt demon, improve their short game, and enjoy the beautiful game of golf even more! So, grab your putter, embrace the challenge, and get ready to putt with confidence!

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