8 Out of the 15 Champions so far are Ranked in the Top 10 for Putting That Week: The Amateur’s Guide to Pro-Level Putting

8 Out of the 15 Champions so far are Ranked in the Top 10 for Putting That Week: The Amateur’s Guide to Pro-Level Putting

8 out of the 15 champions so far are ranked in the top 10 for putting that week, despite not necessarily leading in greens in regulation: Our analysis of recent PGA Tour winners reveals a fascinating trend and this suggests a powerful truth – even without tour-caliber driving and iron play, exceptional putting can be a significant game-changer for amateurs.

The allure of the professional golfer’s life is undeniable. Bombs away off the tee, laser-focused irons finding the green in regulation, and clutch putts that defy gravity – it all seems like a recipe for birdies and eagles galore. But for the average amateur, replicating the entire professional skillset might feel like a distant dream. However, there’s a hidden gem within this data that offers a glimmer of hope – putting.

As a side nugget we are compiling data points to see if we can predict the winner of future golf tournaments based upon the pro’s putting trends for weeks prior. When I started doing research for this post I noticed something remarkable about Scottie Schefflers putting on tour this year. He has recently shot up the stats board in putts per round. It appears from the data that when he has his putter dialed in he wins the tournament. In future post I’m going to slice the data with the help of AI and see if we can accurately predict top 10 finishes with putting trends. My goal is to have this ready by the US Open.

So, how can you, the weekend warrior, leverage the power of the putter to shave strokes and lower your scores? Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into the world of professional-grade putting for the amateur golfer.

Understanding the Putting Advantage

Before we delve into specific techniques, let’s dissect the core reasons why a strong putting stroke translates to lower scores for amateurs. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Reduced Three-Putts: Amateur golfers often struggle with lag putting, leaving themselves long birdie attempts that can easily morph into dreaded three-putts. A pro-level putting stroke, with its emphasis on distance control and soft touch, minimizes these costly three-putts, leading to more pars and even the occasional surprise birdie.
  • Confidence Boost: Sinking putts consistently breeds confidence on the course. When you know you can save par from anywhere on the green, it allows you to swing more freely on approach shots, potentially leading to closer birdie looks. This positive feedback loop can significantly impact your overall score.
  • Shorter Game Focus: While the long game is glamorous, the reality is that most amateurs struggle to consistently find greens in regulation. By sharpening your putting skills, you shift your focus to the area where you have the most control – inside 50 yards. This strategic shift can lead to more consistent scoring, even if your driver isn’t firing on all cylinders.

Building Your Pro-Level Putting Arsenal

Now that we understand the “why” behind prioritizing your putting, let’s explore the “how.” Here are some key areas to focus on in your putting practice:

  • Reading Greens Like a Pro: Pros spend countless hours studying green contours and break. You don’t need to become a putting green guru, but learning basic green reading skills is crucial. Pay attention to subtle slopes, wind direction, and ball position relative to the hole. There are fantastic online resources and mobile apps that can help you visualize green slopes and practice reading breaks.
  • Perfecting Putting Posture: A solid foundation is essential for a consistent putting stroke. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and maintain good posture with your back straight but not rigid. Your eyes should be directly over the ball, promoting a clear view of the putting line.
  • Dialing In Your Grip: Experiment with different putting grip styles (conventional, split-hand, etc.) to find what feels most comfortable and repeatable. Maintain a light and relaxed grip pressure for better feel and distance control.
  • Mastering the Putting Arc: Professional golfers have a smooth, repeatable putting stroke with a consistent arc. Focus on creating a slight backswing and a balanced follow-through that mirrors the backswing length. This promotes a more controlled stroke and reduces the chance of mishits.
  • Lag Putting for Par Saves: Mastering lag putting is a game-changer. Practice hitting putts that consistently die near the hole, regardless of distance. Here, feel is paramount. Experiment with different putting stroke lengths and ball positions to achieve the desired soft touch.

Practice Makes Perfect: Drills for Putting Success

Knowledge is power, but without practice, it remains dormant. Here are some drills to help you hone your newfound putting knowledge:

  • Lag Putting Ladder Drill: Set up three tees at varying distances (10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet) from the hole. Practice hitting lag putts that finish within a few feet of the hole from each distance. Aim for consistency in how close you leave the ball to the hole.
  • Gate Drill: Place two alignment sticks a couple of putter-heads apart, creating a “gate.” Practice hitting putts through the gate, focusing on a smooth stroke and a straight putting line. This drill helps groove a consistent stroke path.
  • Circle Drill: Place a hula hoop around the hole. From varying distances outside the hoop, practice sinking putts. This drill builds confidence in your ability to hole putts from different distances.

Beyond Putting: Embracing the Amateur Mindset

While a pro-level putting stroke will undoubtedly elevate your game, remember, you’re not a tour pro. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Know Your Limitations: Don’t get discouraged by the occasional missed putt, even the pros do it! Focus on replicating your practice stroke on the course and accept that some putts just won’t fall. Manage your expectations and celebrate the good putts you make.
  • Course Management is Key: Don’t be a hero. If you’re facing a long, difficult putt, prioritize getting it close and avoid the dreaded three-putt. Sometimes, a well-executed chip shot for par is a better option than a risky putt that might miss by a mile.
  • Embrace the Journey: The beauty of golf lies in the constant learning curve. Enjoy the process of improving your putting stroke, celebrate your successes, and learn from your misses. Golf is a lifelong pursuit, so have fun with it!

The Final Takeaway

By focusing on mastering your putting stroke, you, the amateur golfer, can unlock significant scoring potential. Remember, even the best drivers in the world miss fairways, but a great putter can save pars (and even steal birdies) on a consistent basis. Embrace the “amateur advantage” by prioritizing putting practice, manage your expectations on the course, and enjoy the journey of becoming a better golfer, one putt at a time. With dedication and these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to replicating that professional putting magic and lowering your scores on the course. So grab your putter, hit the practice green, and get ready to see your scores plummet!

8 out of the 15 champions so far are ranked in the top 10 for putting that week
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