The Gate Drill: Perfecting Your Putting Path

The Gate Drill

The Gate Drill: Feeling the thrill of a successful putt is unforgettable. It’s a moment of both skill and dedication. Mastering your putting path, with techniques like the Gate Drill, is crucial.

Chris DiMarco and Brandt Snedeker, among top golfers, use the Gate Drill to boost their putting accuracy. It involves setting two tees wider than the putter head about four feet from the hole1. The drill does more than teach a straight stroke. It helps with consistent putter face alignment at impact, crucial for starting putts right.

Many think the putter’s path is key to where the ball starts. But, the alignment of the putter face is far more important. Golfers aim to square the putter face consistently. This precision is seen in golfers with diverse putting styles, proving its effectiveness.

The Gate Drill is just one way to improve. The Ruler Drill and The Two Ball Drill also help perfect alignment and impact. Adding these to your practice sharpens your skills. It builds the confidence for precise, unfailing putts.

Key Takeaways

  • The Gate Drill is essential for improving putting accuracy and alignment.
  • Putter face alignment plays a significantly larger role in the putt’s direction than the putter’s path.
  • Renowned golfers like Chris DiMarco and Loren Roberts emphasize the importance of a square putter face.
  • Supplemental drills like The Ruler Drill and The Two Ball Drill aid in mastering face alignment and impact.
  • Consistent practice with these techniques can build confidence and precision in your putting game.

Introduction to Putting Path Drills

Improving your putting path is key for bettering your golf game. It helps make your putting stroke consistent and accurate. Knowing that the putter’s path affects the ball’s initial direction less than you think, helps. This lets you work on how you aim the putter face when hitting the ball, which matters more.

The Gate Drill is a go-to exercise to boost putting path consistency and accuracy. By setting up a gate with objects around the ball, it guides your club’s movement. This ensures you keep the putter on the right path2. This drill, along with others for path training and fixing slices, is vital for comprehensive golf training2. Drills like The Ruler Drill and The Two Ball Drill offer quick feedback. They inform you about your putter face’s alignment and how well you hit the ball.

Maria Palozola, a revered LPGA instructor, stresses the benefits of these drills for consistent putting3. There are 127 putting drills designed to improve your putting skill, focusing on path alignment and face control3. The Gate Drill is especially effective for aligning your putting path, as proven by statistics3.

By adding these drills to your practice, you’re working on important skills. You’re making sure the putter face aims correctly and your stroke is smooth and repeatable. These practices enhance the parts of putting that significantly impact your game. And that means you’ll see better results on the greens.

The Gate Drill Technique

The Gate Drill boosts putting accuracy and control. It uses alignment stick drills or tees to make a ‘gate’. Golfers work on a consistent stroke through this.

Setting up involves two sticks or tees on the ground to form a gate. The gate should let the putter pass with a bit of space. This setup makes sure the putter goes straight for about four inches from the ball’s rear4.

The challenge level changes by moving the sticks closer or further. Start with a 10-foot straight putt and then try longer or curving ones. This improves putting accuracy and keeps your stroke steady2.

Setting Up the Gate Drill

To do the Gate Drill right, glide the putter between the tees or sticks without touching them. Aim for a straight putt through the4gate. If you succeed, it means your putter was well-aligned when you hit the ball. It also means the putt went as planned.

Add more drills like aiming for a third tee to get better at this. Tyler Ferrell, praised by Golf Digest, believes these drills really help. They improve how you control the putter and start the ball right, keys to nailing putts2.

Troubleshooting Common Putting Issues

Fixing common putting problems is key for a good putting stance and better performance.

Improper Setup

Wrong setups can mess up your game. Start by leaning a bit from your hips. Keep your arms and upper arms tight to your sides. The ball should be a little ahead of the middle in your stance.

Your hands should stay under your shoulders, letting the grip go along the lifelines of both hands. These tweaks will make for a steadier grip. This helps keep your putting alignment consistent.

Lower Body Stability

Having a stable lower body is vital for a steady putting stroke. Golfers should ‘root’ their lower half to the ground to create a firm base. This makes sure your upper body and shoulders guide the stroke, while your hands and wrists stay quiet. Minimizing extra moves helps keep the putt on line and speed accurate.

Over 100 LPGA Tour and PGA Tour pros, like top-ranked Dustin Johnson, use the Perfect Practice Putting Mat. This shows its popularity and success5.

Passive Hands

Passive hands play a big role in putting. The stroke should come from your bigger muscles, not the small ones in your hands and wrists. This makes for a smoother stroke and better putter face control. Too much hand action, especially with the back hand, can twist the face and cause misses.

Keeping your hands quiet keeps the set angle steady all through, making for better putts.

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy have both worked with putting coach Dave Stockton. They know the value of professional advice to get better at putting5

Issue Solution
Improper Setup Correct putting form, consistent putting stance
Lower Body Instability Focus on lower body stability and base stability in golf
Active Hands Maintain passive hands in putting


Being great at putting sets the best golfers apart from the rest. The Gate Drill is key for boosting your putting precision. By practicing putting drills from sources like here, you fine-tune your skills and gain confidence, which is crucial for scoring better in golf6. This drill is great for making sure your putter is lined up right, helping you consistently make those crucial putts6.

Setting up the Gate Drill requires precision and concentration, giving instant feedback on your consistency. Golf experts, like Maria Palozola, recommend customizing these techniques to fit your style and practicing diligently3. This drill addresses key problems like incorrect setup, unstable lower body, and overly active hands for a smoother stroke every time.

Research by Ranell Hobson, a sports development expert, shows the importance of drill mechanics for the best results7. By gradually increasing speed but keeping your form, your putting stroke becomes more precise7. To sum up, adding the Gate Drill to your practice is a smart move for better putting and more golf victories.


What is the Gate Drill and how does it improve putting accuracy?

The Gate Drill is a technique that betters your putting by focusing on alignment and stroke path. It uses alignment sticks or tees to create a ‘gate.’ This makes you keep a straight stroke and the putter face square, which is key for accurate puts.

How do I set up the Gate Drill for putting practice?

To do the Gate Drill, make a gate on the green with two alignment sticks or tees. It should be wide enough for the putter. Practice with straight putts from 10 feet first. Change the distance between the sticks to make it harder. Your goal is to roll the ball through the gate without hitting the sticks.

What role does putter face alignment play in putting accuracy?

Putter face alignment is super important for where your putt goes. Having the putter face square makes sure your ball starts right. Even a small mistake can cause a miss. Using drills like the Gate Drill can really help you get this part right.

Can the Gate Drill help me with breaking putts and longer distance putts?

Yes, the Gate Drill can help with longer and curving putts too. After getting good at short, straight putts, try longer ones and putts that break. This practice aids in keeping your stroke and alignment consistent, which improves your ability to judge line and speed.

What common putting issues can the Gate Drill help troubleshoot?

The Gate Drill helps fix common problems like bad setup, shaky lower body, and too much hand action. By working on these, golfers can get better at keeping their putting path and alignment right, which improves consistency.

How important is lower body stability in improving my putting stroke?

Having a stable lower body is crucial for a consistent putting stroke. It helps your upper body move right and keeps you steady, which means better alignment and more consistent putter face angles. Using techniques to keep your lower body steady is key.

Why should I keep my hands passive during the putting stroke?

Keeping your hands relaxed helps make sure the putter face stays the way you set it. If your hands are too active, it can twist the putter face and mess up your putt. Letting your shoulders and torso lead gives you a smoother stroke and more control.

Are there other drills that complement the Gate Drill for improving putting?

Yes, The Ruler Drill and The Two Ball Drill work well with the Gate Drill. They give you feedback on how well you’re aligning the putter face and hitting the ball. These drills aim at helping you get a repeatable stroke and better alignment.

What setup adjustments can help improve my putting form?

Making a few changes to your setup can help a lot. Bend a bit at the hips, keep your arms and triceps close to your body, and position the ball ahead of center in your stance. Have your hands under your shoulders with the grip through your hand’s lifelines. This helps in keeping your putter face stable and consistent.

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