The String Drill: Ensuring a Straight Back and Through Stroke

The String Drill

The String Drill: Imagine you’re on the greens, your heart beats fast as you get ready. This shot could lead to a great birdie or just a par. Golf is more than a game. It’s about being precise, patient, and practicing a lot. Among many putting techniques, the string drill is special. It’s simple but hugely helps improve your golf practice and hitting the ball right.

Cody Alexander of Bloodline talks about this useful drill. It teaches you a straight back and through stroke, key for good putting. Justin Thomas, a PGA Tour pro, swears by it for its effectiveness. He uses a 12 to 15 feet putt for practice, showing it works like real game situations1. You place the string above the ball and use two tees to mark the spot. This setup is perfect for working on your precision and focus1.

This drill’s beauty is in how easy it is. You need only a 12-foot string, some tees, and something elevated. Justin Thomas stands with his putter upright, a style that has helped his game1. Using this drill often will sharpen your aiming and hitting. It trains you to be disciplined, just like when you’re playing for real.

Key Takeaways

  • The string drill helps reinforce a straight back and through stroke, crucial for putting accuracy.
  • It requires minimal equipment: a 12-foot string, tees, and an elevated point.
  • Golfers like Justin Thomas use this method to hone their precision and consistency1.
  • Regular practice incorporating this drill builds muscle memory and confidence.
  • Focus is placed on read and speed, eliminating variables to improve stroke consistency.

Understanding the Importance of a Straight Stroke in Putting

Golfers aiming to improve on the greens must work on a consistent putting stroke. Experts like Luke Kerr-Dineen and pros such as Justin Thomas suggest specific drills for a reliable technique.

The Basics of a Straight Back and Through Stroke

Thomas uses a setup with a string and tees for correct eye placement over the ball. This ensures a steady start line for the putt’s path2. The key aim is to minimize extra movements for better consistency.

This method also helps in setting the putter face right. It’s an essential part of building a solid putting stroke.

Eliminating Variables for Better Putting Performance

Phil Kenyon recommends a string alignment drill to start the ball straight towards the hole2. Coaches like Matt Killen believe controlling putter face rotation leads to a steady stroke. Consistent grip affects putting stability, as shown by data3.

Tools like HackMotion measure wrist movements for improved control3.

Impact on Stroke Accuracy and Consistency

The putter head’s path influences the ball’s accuracy and how far it goes3. Pros maintain a 2:1 ratio in swing speeds for a smooth stroke3. Also, how you start your putt affects its direction and distance3.

Modern tips highlight the role of training in perception and alignment. Drills and aids can greatly improve these aspects2.

Starting with a straight stroke and using advanced analysis helps a lot. Insights from experts are key to a strong putting stroke foundation.

How to Set Up and Use the String Drill

Using a string drill is a simple way to make your putting better. It doesn’t require much equipment. By setting it up right and practicing often, your putting will get a lot better.

Materials Needed for the String Drill

You need a few things to start the string drill:

  • A string about 10 feet long (recommended for monitoring the putter’s path)4
  • Two tees
  • An elevation point like a knitting needle or a tent stake1

Step-by-Step Setup Instructions

Here’s how to set it up the right way:

  1. Place a tee close behind the hole.
  2. Set the elevation point about 10 feet from the hole on your intended line4.
  3. Tighten the string between the tee and elevation point. It should be just above the ball. This helps you see the start line and keep your eyes right1.
  4. Put two tees as wide as a ball apart. This helps ensure the ball goes straight1.

Drill Execution and Practice Routine

Time to practice:

Practice hitting straight putts right at the target line. This is key during your practice sessions4. Make this drill a regular part of your practice to see improvement:

  • Begin with short putts from 2 feet. Slowly try longer ones as you get more confident.
  • Keep up with your usual pre-putt routines to stay focused and consistent.
  • Work on making putts the same way each time. This builds muscle memory and boosts your confidence.

Adding this focused drill to your practice makes your game better on the golf course.

Benefits of the String Drill for Your Cena Putting Path

The string drill helps golfers putt more accurately. It uses visual feedback to show the right putting line. Coaches like Eric Cogorno and David Orr recommend it. They say it’s better to follow the natural arc of your stroke than to force it straight.

Improving Stroke Accuracy

The string drill makes your putting more accurate. You align the string with where you want the ball to go. This helps you keep your stroke consistent. It stops the stroke from going off course. Tools like the Mi Putting Template also help. They give feedback on how to hit the ball right.

By practicing this way, golfers can fix their stroke. They make it more reliable. And the feedback from tools enhances control and hitting accuracy5.

Visualizing the Putting Line

Golfers can see the putting line better with the string drill. It’s great for handling curves on the green. The Mi Putting Template offers different arcs. So, golfers can find one that matches their style5. Seeing this helps golfers adjust their putts better.

Enhancing Distance Control

The string drill also helps with controlling how far the ball goes. It gives a clear visual guide for practice. The Mi Putting Template helps you understand how to control the stroke and the face of the putter. This is key for getting the ball to go the right distance5.

Regularly using the string drill and these tools makes your strokes smooth and controlled. It improves how well you putt, see the line, and control distance. With focus on these areas, your putting will get better and more dependable.


The string drill is getting noticed more and more in golf. It helps with a key skill for putting: a straight stroke. If you practice this drill often, you will mostly need to think about how fast you hit the ball and how to read the greens. These skills set apart the best putters.

Doing this drill a lot makes your putting better and gives you more confidence. It helps you focus on making the same stroke every time. For golfers who want to putt in a straight line, this drill is very helpful.

Using tools like HackMotion can also help. They let you know when something’s off and how to fix it. This makes your putting even better. The string drill is not just practice. It’s your way to putt better and feel great about it. By sticking with it, you’ll see a big improvement in your game.


What are the materials needed for the string drill?

You will need a 12-foot string, tees, and something tall like a knitting needle or a tent stake. These items help you make a perfect practice spot for putts under 10 feet.

How does the string drill improve putting accuracy?

The drill lines up your putter with the string for a smooth stroke. It makes you focus on how the ball rolls and its speed. This fixes issues with aim and stroke, making putting more accurate.

What is the correct setup for the string drill?

First, put a tee behind the hole. Then, place the tall object at the string’s other end, away from the hole. Make sure the string splits the putter head and your eyes line up right over it for consistent putts.

How does the string drill help visualize the putting line?

The string gives a clear path for your putt, ensuring your putter head is right at impact. This helps a lot with seeing how the green bends.

What are the main benefits of incorporating the string drill into your practice routine?

The drill boosts stroke precision, helps see the putting path, and improves distance control. Regular use of this drill mimics real game situations. This leads to better play and more confidence.

How should the string academic be executed for optimal results?

Make sure you set up the string correctly and it’s tight. Use the drill thought-thoughtfully, doing the same prep you would before a real putt. Try to make most putts from 10 feet and end on a good putt to help your muscle memory and confidence.

How do top golfers and coaches use the string drill?

Pros like Justin Thomas and his coach, Matt Killen, use the string and tees for better eye position and a straight starting line for the putt. This keeps the putter face stable for a straighter stroke.

What role does distance control play in putting success?

Controlling how far you putt is key. The string drill helps you master putt speed and roll, making your stroke even and powerful.

Can technological aids enhance the benefits of the string drill?

Definitely. Gadgets like HackMotion sensors can track wrist moves, offering feedback. This lets you smooth out your putting for better results.

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