Lag Putting: 10 Keys That Will Lower Your Handicap

Lag Putting: 10 Keys That Will Lower Your Handicap

Lag Putting: They say driving is the flashiest part of the game, and a bomb off the tee certainly gets the adrenaline pumping. But let’s face it, golfers, most of us aren’t launching drives like Bryson DeChambeau. The real magic happens on the putting green, where those crucial single-putts and oh-so-sweet birdie opportunities are born. And within the realm of putting, there’s one skill that reigns supreme: lag putting.

Sure, holing a 30-footer feels amazing, but mastering the art of leaving yourself a makeable second putt – that’s the true game-changer. Here’s why lag putting deserves a starring role in your practice routine and why it might just be the most important concept in golf:

1. Short Putts are Your Scoring BFFs:

Let’s be honest, draining a monster putt feels glorious, but it’s a gamble. Lag putting, on the other hand, is all about strategic distance control. By lagging the ball close, you turn those heart-stopping lag putts into stress-free tap-ins. Fewer three-putts translate directly to lower scores – a win-win for any golfer.

2. Time Saved is Birdie Found:

Imagine this: You’re facing a lengthy two-putt. You spend an eternity agonizing over the break, second-guessing your line, and willing the ball into the hole. Now picture this – you confidently lag the ball past the hole with perfect pace, leaving yourself a short second putt you could drain blindfolded. See the difference? Lag putting keeps the pace of play moving and frees up your mental energy to focus on other aspects of your game.

3. Breathe Easy, Hit the Green:

Let’s face it, those long putts can be nerve-wracking. By mastering lag putting, you take the pressure off yourself. You’re no longer facing a high-risk, all-or-nothing scenario. Instead, you’re approaching the putt with a clear head, knowing a good lag putt sets you up for a stress-free second putt. This confidence boost keeps your emotions in check and allows you to focus on the mechanics of a smooth stroke.

4. Consistency is King (and Queen):

Lag putting isn’t about hero shots; it’s about predictable results. Whether you’re staring down a 30-footer or a 10-footer, mastering lag putting allows you to judge distance consistently, regardless of green speed or slope. This consistency is the foundation for a rock-solid putting game, leading to more predictable scores and fewer frustrating rounds.

5. Adaptability is Your Superpower:

Greens come in all shapes and sizes, some slick as ice, others slow as molasses. The beauty of lag putting? The core principles translate beautifully. By focusing on feel and reading the green, you can adjust your stroke to match the green speed, ensuring your lag putts find their mark even on unfamiliar surfaces.

6. Sharper Short Game, Lower Scores:

Think lag putting only benefits those long lag putts? Think again. The feel and distance control you develop through lag putting translate directly to your short game. You’ll see a noticeable improvement in your accuracy with those tap-ins and those oh-so-tempting birdie putts inside 10 feet. Lag putting hones your putting stroke, making it smoother and more consistent across all distances.

7. The Eraser in Your Bag:

Let’s be real, even the best golfers miss fairways occasionally. But here’s the secret weapon lag putting offers: it can salvage a hole gone awry. A shanked drive or a wayward iron shot might leave you with a long birdie putt, but a well-executed lag putt can still get you close for a par save. By minimizing the damage from a less-than-ideal approach shot, lag putting keeps your scorecard looking respectable.

8. Confidence is Your Secret Weapon:

There’s a special kind of confidence that comes with knowing you can lag the ball close, regardless of distance. It allows you to walk onto the green with a positive mindset, believing you can create birdie opportunities, not just escape with pars. This mental edge is a powerful tool that can elevate your entire game.

9. A Skill for Every Skill Level:

Whether you’re a weekend hacker or a seasoned pro, mastering lag putting benefits golfers of all levels. It’s a fundamental skill that directly translates to lower scores. By focusing on lag putting, beginners can build a solid foundation for their short game, while experienced players can refine their touch and shave strokes off their score.

10. Feel is the Foundation, Not Just for Putting:

The tempo and feel you develop through lag putting aren’t confined to the green. That same sense of control translates beautifully to your irons. By focusing on a smooth, controlled putting stroke, you’ll develop a better understanding of distance control throughout your swing. This translates to more consistent iron shots, helping you find the green in regulation more often and leaving yourself with even more birdie opportunities.

Mastering the Art of Leaving Yourself Short

Lag putting isn’t about flashy hero shots or blind luck. It’s about strategy, consistency, and feel. It’s the foundation for a rock-solid short game, the key to saving strokes and carding lower scores. So, next time you’re at the practice green, ditch the long-bomb putting contests and focus on honing your lag putting skills. You might just discover the secret weapon that takes your entire game to the next level.

Bonus Tip: Practice Makes Progress

Lag putting isn’t a magical skill that appears overnight. Here are some drills to help you develop your lag putting prowess:

  • The Clock Drill: Imagine a clock face on the practice green with the hole as the center. Place your ball at different distances around the clock face and practice putting the ball to a specific number (e.g., a 3 o’clock putt would be a short putt, while a 9 o’clock putt would be a longer lag putt).
  • The Gate Drill: Set up two tees in the ground shoulder-width apart, mimicking a small gate. Practice hitting putts that travel through the gate smoothly, helping you develop a square putter face and a consistent stroke.
  • The Pressure Putt Drill: Simulate pressure situations by having a friend putt before you, or set a quota of putts you need to make from a certain distance to avoid a penalty (extra putts or exercises).

By incorporating lag putting drills into your practice routine and focusing on feel and distance control, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a lag putting master. Remember, it’s all about leaving yourself short – and watching your scores drop in the process.

lag putting
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