Improving Putter Path For Better Golf Scores

Improving Putter Path

Improving Putter Path: Imagine you’re on the green, close to the hole, and your heart beats fast. You prepare to putt, knowing this moment could lead to victory or defeat. You’ve done great so far, but now’s the big test. Golf is so thrilling because it combines skill, control, and perfect technique.

To get better at putting means understanding the core of golf. On the PGA Tour, stats about making putts are eye-opening: 99.43% from 3 feet drop in, 91.90% from 4 feet1, and the chances keep dropping with each foot farther. Mastering your putting stroke means getting the speed and focus just right. Tools like the S.A.M. PuttLab help you see parts of your putt you can’t usually see, helping you get better, faster.

The direction your ball starts off depends 83% on the putter face angle. Even a tiny mistake, like a one-degree error over 10 feet, can cost you a shot. Being consistent with your stroke’s tempo and rhythm will boost your confidence. And finishing your putt well, much like a good follow-through in basketball, improves how well you control distance and up your game.

Key Takeaways

  • Success rates on the PGA Tour emphasize the importance of mastering short putts1.
  • The S.A.M. PuttLab is a valuable tool for revealing minute details in your putting stroke.
  • Optimal putter face angle affects 83% of the ball’s starting direction.
  • A consistent tempo with a 2-to-1 backswing-to-impact ratio builds confidence.
  • Maintaining a consistent follow-through can significantly improve putting success.

The Fundamentals of a Perfect Putting Path

For golfers looking to get better on the greens, mastering a perfect putting path is key. This means closely watching the putter face angle, club path, and keeping a steady tempo. Managing these aspects well leads to better performance.

Face Angle vs. Club Path

The impact of the putter face angle is huge, determining 83% of where the ball starts off23. Just a small mistake of 1-degree off can make you miss a 4-meter putt2. It might even lead to the ball just missing or dropping off the edge3.

The path of the putter head also matters but not as much. It contributes to 17% of the ball’s initial direction2. Getting both the angle and path right means the ball will roll exactly where you want it to2.

Importance of Rolling the Ball on Line

To roll the ball correctly, you need a balance between the face angle and your swing. Setup mistakes can mess with both angles, which is especially bad for short or curvy putts2. Practicing with two balls can give you great feedback on your face angle. It helps keep your alignment straight when you hit the ball2.

Tempo and Timing in Putting

A great putting stroke depends a lot on consistent tempo and timing. The best time ratio from backswing to hitting the ball is 2-to-1. This creates a smooth rhythm3. If your backswing is too long, you might slow down when you hit, messing up your stroke4.

Keeping a steady pace helps make sure you hit the ball with good speed. And it makes the ball roll in a predictable way3.

Here are some key putting drills:

  • String line method for feedback on swing path direction2.
  • Double ball drill to correct putter face angle2.
  • Sweet spot gate to enhance impact spots4.

Techniques for Improving Your Putter Path

Getting better at your putter swing is key for golfers who want to up their game. By working on certain methods, you can really improve how accurate and reliable your putting becomes.

Inside Backswing and Follow-through

Making sure your backswing moves inside is important. It helps your follow-through stay on course. This way, you avoid the chances of your putts going off direction due to a cut stroke. Such a movement helps you control your putting swing better, making it more effective.

Consistency in Your Putting Stroke

It’s crucial to keep your putting stroke consistent. When you replicate the same path every time, you become more reliable. Good putters keep a 2:1 tempo, meaning the backswing is slower than the downswing5. This rhythm, along with a steady grip and hand position, ensures a reliable putting stroke5. Also, limiting wrist motion like the pros can improve your consistency5.

Drills for Path Correction

Practicing with specific drills is a good idea to fix any issues with your putter path. Using training aids helps guide your swing correctly, boosting your stroke improvement. One great tool is a putting string training aid. It helps you practice keeping the clubhead on track and making sure the putter face hits the ball squarely5. Consistent practice from setup to backswing and downswing also betters your stroke5.

Technique Importance Result
Inside Path on Backswing Reduces cut stroke Improved accuracy
Consistent Wrist Mechanics Limits range of motion Enhanced consistency
Putting Drills Corrects path deviations Better stroke outcome

The Role of Stance and Setup in Improving Putter Path

Standing and setting up correctly are key for a good putter path. We look at the best setup which includes how you stand, how you hold the club, and where your eyes are. These steps help you do better on the green.

The Ideal Putting Stance

A great putting stance means standing balanced with your eyes right over the ball. This helps you line up right and make the putter face hit the ball squarely. That’s important because how the face hits the ball sends it in the right direction2.

Being stable and consistent is key, and standing with your feet shoulder-width apart helps with that4.

Grip and Putter Face Control

How you hold your club is big for controlling the putter face during your swing. Your hands should be placed on the grip in a way that lets you guide the putter smoothly4. If you don’t hold your club right, you’ll make mistakes and your putting won’t be consistent2.

Eye Position Over the Ball

Keeping your eyes over the ball helps keep your putter on a straight path. You should also stand so your hands are directly below your shoulders. This stance helps you putt more reliably4.

Standing balanced helps your eyes line up right and reduces mistakes in your swing2.

To wrap it up, combining a balanced stance, good grip control, and keeping your eyes in the right spot makes for a solid putting setup. These steps help you play better, hit more accurately, and feel more confident on the green.


Getting better at putting is a journey that mixes skills, practice, and focus. It’s key to realize that good putting can lower your golf scores. This takes work on adjusting face angles, club paths, and making your stroke consistent for better results. Knowing that the direction where the ball starts is mostly decided by the face angle shows how vital it is in practice3.

A single degree off in the putter face means you might only sink half your putts. This fact alone shows how critical precision is3.

Having a steady tempo and timing is also crucial for top-notch putting3. A good rhythm ratio is 2-to-1 from backswing to hitting the ball. Building a stance, grip, and setup that fit you is key. Holding your finish when you putt helps with distance control and a more consistent stroke, lowering your scores3.

Being mentally sharp and following a strict routine can ease the stress. This prepares you for successful putting.

See putting practice as a fun part of the game. Each small step forward in your technique adds to the game’s enjoyment. Use technology like S.A.M. PuttLab for detailed feedback that you can’t see with the naked eye. This can speed up your improvement3. Remember, improving your putting needs dedication, regular practice, and a systematic approach.


Why is improving your putting path crucial for better golf scores?

Making your putting path better is key for rolling the ball right on its intended line. With better speed control, your accuracy spikes. This directly leads to lower golf scores.

What is the difference between face angle and club path in putting?

The face angle decides where the ball starts off, affecting most of the putt’s accuracy. Meanwhile, the club path guides the ball’s travel but is less influential. Perfecting both gives the best putting outcome.

How can I ensure that I roll the ball precisely on the intended line?

To hit your line just right, practice your stroke focusing on the putter face and club path. Keeping your backswing and follow-through mirrored aids in a more precise arc.

Why is tempo and timing important in the putting stroke?

Keeping a consistent tempo and timing is key for speed control in putting. A smooth tempo lets you predict the ball’s roll, upping your chances to score.

What techniques can I use to improve my putter path?

Improve your path by swinging inside on the backswing and smoothly following through. Using drills and training aids refines your swing, building the right muscle habits.

How important is consistency in your making consistency in your putting stroke?

Being consistent with your putting stroke is crucial. It makes your stroke outcomes reliable. Repeating the same stroke path leads to more accurate putts.

What types of drills can help correct my putter path?

Training aids and drills that guide your swing can improve your swing path. Regular practice of these drills fine-tunes your putting technique.

What is the ideal putting standings?

An ideal stance balances you well with your eyes right over the ball. This ensures you’re lined up right and helps with accuracy and control.

How does good gripe affect face control?

Your grip choice, while personal, should help manage the putter face’s angle smoothly. A correct grip aids in controlling the putter, enhancing accuracy.Q: Why is eye position over the ball?Keeping your eyes directly over the ball ensures a straighter stroke path. Consistent eye position enhances distance control and leads to more accurate putts.

Source Links

  2. Fundamentals of Putting2.pdf
  4. Fundamentals of Putting3.pdf