Basic Putting Drills for Beginners

Basic Putting Drills for Beginners

Basic Putting Drills for Beginners: When you step onto the green, it feels quite intense. You’re holding your putter, eyeing the hole, filled with nerves and excitement. I recall how hard starting with beginner putting drills was. P.G. Wodehouse humorously captured this struggle, highlighting the need for focus. Tiger Woods, a legend in golf, practices making 100 consecutive putts using the gating technique1. By working on your technique, achieving a smooth ball roll, and keeping your speed consistent, your game will improve.

Golf teachers at top places like the Golf Club of the Everglades stress the importance of practice. They offer customized lessons for all skill levels, focusing on golf basics and simple putting drills. These lessons improve your skills and help you handle pressure1. Remember, every top golfer began somewhere. With determination and the right attitude, your putting will get much better.

Key Takeaways

  • Consistent practice is key to getting better at putting1.
  • Starting with beginner putting drills is essential for learning the basics of golf.
  • Getting advice from pros can speed up your learning.
  • To perfect your putting, work on getting the ball to roll smoothly and keep your speed steady.
  • Places like the Golf Club of the Everglades offer lessons that are tailored to your needs.

Tiger’s Technique: Perfecting Your Short Putts

Tiger Woods’s method focuses on precise and consistent putting basics. It includes several drills for accuracy and confidence. These drills are great for getting better at short putts.

Setting Up the Gate

The gate drill improves your striking with the putter’s center. Place two tees a yard from the hole, just wide enough for your putter. It helps you hit the ball straight and solid. Tiger begins with his putter slightly open, by 2.5 degrees, for accurate shots2.

Practicing with One Hand

Tiger Woods favors practicing putts with one hand. This adds top spin for better control3. Start with 12 one-handed putts to sharpen your stroke’s basics. He uses his right hand before rounds to keep his putter face square at impact2. This improves focus, balance, and a smooth swing.

Challenge of 100 Putts

The 100 consecutive putts challenge tests your skills and mental strength. You must restart if you miss or hit the gate. It trains you to stay calm under pressure. Tiger has won 82 titles, proving these drills work43.

Drill Name Objective Execution Method
Gate Drill Improve Center Contact Place tees a yard from the hole, ensuring straight putter movements
One-Handed Putts Enhance Stroke Control Perform 12 putts using one hand to focus on fundamentals
100 Putts Challenge Build Mental Fortitude Sink 100 consecutive putts; restart if you miss or touch the gate

Using these drills will improve your short putting game, just like Tiger Woods. You can achieve greater accuracy and confidence.

Basic Putting Drills: The Careful Clock Technique

The Careful Clock Technique helps you get better at putting and builds your mental game. It is a favorite among top golfers. It combines golf basics with easy putting exercises, ideal for those just starting out. Check it out at golf fundamentals.

Setting Up the Drill

To set up the drill, place 16 tees in an “X” pattern around the hole. Start with the first set of tees 3 feet from the hole. Then, place more tees at 6, 9, and 12 feet away. This creates four lines of tees at different lengths.

This setup challenges you to putt from various distances and angles. Each putt improves your aim and how well you judge distance. These are key skills you’ll find in beginner putting drills5.

Executing the Putts

Begin by putting from each tee, moving in order, all within 30 minutes. If you miss a putt, start over. This builds your ability to stay calm and make good choices under stress1. The drill is great for working on how well you control the ball’s distance.

It also puts you in high-pressure situations, similar to a real game. This helps you become more consistent and precise. To get even better, try the Beat the Box Technique. Here, you earn points by getting the ball into a specific area from different distances16.


In conclusion, getting better at putting is key in golf and requires hard work. Legends like Tiger Woods show the value of great putting skills7. For new players, starting with drills like the Careful Clock and the Gate Drill is vital8. These exercises improve focus and confidence, both critical for getting better7.

Following a planned practice schedule each week can help you improve steadily. You might work on short putts on Monday, mid-range ones on Tuesday, and long putts on other days7. Working on your distance control and aim with different drills can also boost your game8. Regularly doing these drills will help you stay calm under pressure, like in actual games7.

Exercises like the Coin Drill can make a big difference in your putting basics8. Remember, getting better at putting takes time and effort7. Using these beginner drills regularly can help you build a strong short game. For more on putting drills, check out this resource, this guide, and this article.


What are some beginner putting drills to get started in golf?

Tiger Woods’s “gate” drill and the Careful Clock Technique are great for beginners. They improve your aiming, steadiness, and focus. These are key skills in golf.

How do I set up the “gate” drill as recommended by Tiger Woods?

For the gate drill, put two tees in the ground just wide enough for your putter. Place them about a yard from the hole. This makes sure you hit the ball with the putter’s center.

What is the purpose of practicing with one hand in Tiger’s Technique?

Using one hand boosts your precision and control. Tiger Woods begins with 12 one-handed putts, then uses both hands. It sharpens your stroke’s accuracy and your control on the green.

What is the goal of Tiger’s 100 putts challenge?

The challenge is to get 100 putts in a row without messing up. Hit the gate, and you start over. It builds discipline and helps you stay cool under pressure. That’s key for putting.

How do I set up the Careful Clock Technique drill?

Set up 16 tees in an “X” shape around the hole, starting 3 feet away. Add tees at 6, 9, and 12 feet. It creates lines at different lengths for practice. This tests your putting from various spots.

What is the objective of the Careful Clock Technique drill?

Try to make putts from each tee in under 30 minutes. Miss a shot, and you start again. This improves how you judge distance and make decisions when putting under a deadline.

Why are simple putting exercises important for beginners?

They help beginners grasp the basics of putting like getting the ball to roll right and keeping speed consistent. Getting good at these basics is crucial for getting better at golf.

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