7 Common Putting Mistakes and How to Fix Them

7 Common Putting Mistakes and how to fix them

This blog dives deep into the most common putting mistakes that plague golfers of all skill levels, along with actionable tips to fix them and build a pre-putt routine that will have you holing putts like a pro – it’s the heart and soul of any good golf game. A perfectly struck approach shot can be wasted by a wobbly putt, while a so-so drive can be salvaged with a clutch two-putt.

Aim is Everything: Don’t Miss the Mark

Ever lined up a putt perfectly, only to see it veer off course and miss the hole entirely? This frustrating scenario often boils down to faulty aiming. There are two culprits here:

  • Misaligned Putter Face: Make sure your putter face is square to the target line. Many putters have alignment lines or dots on the head to help with this.
  • Shifting During the Stroke: Even a slight movement in your body during the stroke can throw your aim off. Develop a routine where you double-check your alignment after addressing the ball and before taking the putt.

Finding the Perfect Pace: Short Putts, Not Shortcomings

Inconsistent distance control leads to putts that either die short or race past the hole. This inconsistency stems from two main issues:

  • Feel for Distance: You don’t have a good sense of how hard to hit the putt for different distances.
  • Weight Transfer: You’re not transferring your weight properly during the stroke, leading to inconsistent power.

The fixes for these problems are straightforward:

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Dedicate practice sessions to hitting putts to specific distances. This will help you develop a feel for how far back you need to swing the putter.
  • Smooth and Controlled: Focus on having a smooth, controlled stroke with a consistent tempo.

Finding Your Rhythm: Stop Yanking and Jerking the Putter

A jerky, inconsistent putting stroke can have disastrous results. Here’s how bad rhythm manifests itself:

  • Slowing Down (Deceleration): This common mistake leaves putts short of the hole.
  • Hitting Too Hard (Over-Aggression): This can cause the ball to veer off course or race past the hole.

The root cause of these issues is a lack of rhythm and tempo in your stroke.

  • Find Your Beat: Use a metronome or simply count in your head to keep a steady rhythm throughout your stroke.
  • The Pendulum Effect: Aim for a smooth, pendulum-like motion with the putter accelerating slightly as it hits the ball.

Mastering the Green: Reading the Breaks

The green isn’t flat – it has subtle slopes and breaks that can significantly affect the path of your putt. If you can’t read the green properly, you’re setting yourself up for a lot of missed putts. Here’s how to improve your green-reading skills:

  • Take Your Time: Before addressing the ball, take time to study the green from different angles. Look for the high and low spots, and imagine the path the ball will take.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you practice reading greens, the better you’ll become at feeling the speed and slope.

Relax Your Grip: Tension is the Enemy of Putting

Gripping the putter too tightly is a recipe for a jerky, inconsistent stroke. Tension in your hands and arms can also make it harder to feel the putt.

  • Lighten Up: Practice holding the putter with a relaxed grip. Imagine you’re holding a small bird – tight enough to control it but gentle enough not to squeeze it.
  • Smooth Operator: A light grip will help you achieve a smoother, more natural stroke.

Focus on the Putt: Visualization is Key

Lack of focus and visualization can lead to missed putts. Here’s why:

  • Mind Over Matter: If you’re not paying attention or don’t visualize the putt going in, you’re more likely to miss.
  • Losing Focus: Golfers who don’t picture the putt in their mind might lose focus during the stroke.

Develop a Pre-Putt Routine that includes a moment of visualization. See the ball rolling down your intended line and focus on the target. Take a deep breath and clear your head to improve your concentration.

common putting mistakes
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