Faxon Putting Philosophy: 6 Areas to Putting Perfection

Faxon Putting Philosophy: 6 Areas to putting perfection

Faxon Putting Philosophy: Every golfer knows the sinking feeling of a missed putt – the frustration of a well-struck approach shot undone by a shaky performance on the green. But fear not, fellow duffers! Today, we delve into the putting wisdom of Brad Faxon, a PGA Tour veteran renowned for his ice-cold putting prowess. By mastering these key elements, you can transform yourself from a green-side gremlin into a confident putting machine.

Dialing In Your Setup: A Square Foundation for Success

Faxon emphasizes the importance of a solid setup for a repeatable, reliable putting stroke. Imagine yourself standing tall at address, with your nose, shirt buttons, and belt buckle forming a straight line down your spine. This promotes proper posture and alignment, ensuring the putter swings back and through on the intended path.

Next, focus on weight distribution. Most Tour pros favor a 55/45 weight distribution, meaning slightly more weight rests on your lead foot (the one closest to the target). This promotes a stable base and a smooth putting stroke.

Now, let’s talk about ball position. Faxon recommends placing the ball slightly forward of center in your stance. This encourages a slight upward attack angle at impact, which can help you roll the ball online with better distance control.

Finally, ensure your putter face is square to the target line. This might seem obvious, but even a minor misalignment can send your putt veering off course. Take a moment to double-check your alignment – those missed putts due to a closed or open face will become a distant memory.

Tempo: Finding the Rhythm for Putting Perfection

A smooth, consistent tempo is the heartbeat of a great putting stroke. Faxon recommends a 2:1 backswing-to-downswing ratio. Imagine saying a three-syllable word like “Start putt” in your head. Dedicate two syllables to the backswing and one to the downswing. This quick takeaway followed by a controlled downswing promotes a balanced, repeatable stroke.

Reading the Green: Decoding the Secrets of the Putting Surface

The ability to “read” the green is a superpower for any golfer. Before you address the putt, take your time to analyze the slope, grain, and any potential breaks (subtle changes in elevation that can affect the ball’s path).

Here’s a pro tip from Faxon: identify the apex of the putt. This is the high point where the ball will change direction due to the green’s slope. Once you know the apex, you can visualize the path the ball needs to take to reach the hole.

Visualization: Seeing the Putt Before You Stroke It

Close your eyes and visualize the perfect putt. See the ball rolling smoothly on the intended line, curving gently if necessary to follow the break, and finally disappearing into the cup. This visualization technique helps you trust your read and commit to a confident stroke.

Relaxation: Keeping Your Cool on the Putting Green

Tension is the enemy of putting success. Maintain a loose grip on the putter, avoiding the urge to white-knuckle it. Focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed and your body quiet throughout the stroke. This relaxed approach allows the putter to swing freely, promoting a smooth, controlled motion.

Practice Makes Putting Perfect

Becoming a confident putter takes dedication and consistent practice. Here are a few drills recommended by Faxon to sharpen your skills:

  • Impact Bag Drill: Place an impact bag or pool noodle behind the ball and focus on starting the ball online every time. This drill helps you groove a consistent putting stroke and promotes a square putter face at impact.
  • Lag Putting Drill: Use tees or coins to mark off different distances on the practice green. Practice hitting putts that die into the hole from various distances. This drill develops your feel for distance control, a crucial skill for saving pars and avoiding three-putts.
  • Reading Green Drills: Utilize putting cups at different elevations on the green to practice reading breaks. Experiment with different types of breaks (uphill, downhill, sidehill) to hone your green-reading skills.

Embrace the Faxon Putting Philosophy: Trust, Feel, and Confidence

By incorporating Brad Faxon’s putting wisdom into your game, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a putting maestro. Remember, putting isn’t about brute force; it’s about trusting your read, feeling the putt, and executing a smooth, controlled stroke.

With dedication and practice, you’ll transform from a green-side worrier into a confident putter, sinking more putts and lowering your scores. So, the next time you step onto the green, channel your inner Faxon, visualize the perfect putt disappearing into the cup, and startyour way to putting glory!

Bonus Tip: Keeping the Putting Gremlins at Bay

Even the best golfers miss putts. It’s inevitable. But here’s how to manage those inevitable misses and avoid letting them derail your round:

  • Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome: Don’t dwell on the missed putt. Instead, focus on executing a good putting process – a solid setup, smooth tempo, and confident stroke. Trust the process, and the putts will start falling.
  • Maintain a Positive Attitude: A negative attitude breeds negativity on the course. Stay positive, learn from your misses, and approach each putt with fresh eyes.
  • Enjoy the Journey: Golf is a challenging game, but it should also be enjoyable. Embrace the process of learning and improving your putting stroke. Celebrate the good putts, learn from the misses, and most importantly, have fun on the green!

By following Brad Faxon’s putting wisdom and these additional tips, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the greens and taking your golf game to the next level. Remember, putting is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, stay positive, and enjoy the satisfying feeling of sinking more putts. Now get out there and start holing them like Faxon!

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