Garsen Grips: 4 Ways These Grips Will Improve Your Chances to Sink More Putts

Garsen Grips: 4 Ways These Grips Will Improve Your Chances to Sink More Putts

Garsen Grips: The putting stroke is a complex dance between feel, consistency, and that ever-elusive perfect roll. While there’s no magic bullet to sinking every putt, putter grips play a significant role in promoting a putting style that works for you.

Garsen putter grips have carved a unique niche in the golf world, focusing on a technique that minimizes wrist action and promotes a more shoulder-dominant putting stroke. But are they the right fit for every golfer? Let’s delve into the world of Garsen grips, exploring their pros and cons, to help you decide if they can elevate your putting game.

The Garsen Grip Philosophy: Promoting a Stable Putting Stroke

Traditional putter grips encourage a variety of putting styles, some with more wrist involvement than others. Garsen grips, however, advocate for a putting method that minimizes wrist action and emphasizes a shoulder-dominant stroke. This philosophy centers around the idea that excessive wrist movement can lead to inconsistency in putting. By encouraging a putting stroke where the wrists are more fixed and the shoulders take center stage, Garsen grips aim to create a more stable and repeatable putting motion.

Achieving Stability: The Mechanics of the Garsen Grip Design

What differentiates Garsen grips from traditional options is their unorthodox design. They typically feature a flat, multi-sided shape that discourages cupping or other excessive wrist manipulations. This flat profile encourages the hands to be placed in a more palms-facing position, which naturally promotes wrist neutrality and shoulder rotation.

The Garsen grip doesn’t force your hands into this position, but rather guides them through its unique shape. This semi-circular design also promotes a stronger connection between your forearms and the grip, further encouraging a stable and pressure-distributed putting stroke.

Garsen Grips: A Boon for Consistency?

The core benefit of Garsen grips lies in their potential to improve putting consistency. By minimizing wrist involvement, sway, and other extraneous movements, the Garsen design theoretically allows for a more repeatable putting stroke. This reduced complexity can be a game-changer for golfers who struggle with inconsistency in their putting, particularly those who fight excessive wrist action.

Here’s a deeper dive into the potential advantages of Garsen grips:

  • Reduced Wrist Action: As mentioned earlier, the core philosophy behind Garsen grips is the minimization of wrist involvement. This can be particularly helpful for golfers who tend to break down their wrists during the putting stroke, leading to inconsistent distance and direction control.
  • Improved Feel: The unique shape of Garsen grips encourages a stronger connection between your forearms and the putter. This enhanced feel can lead to better feedback throughout the putting stroke, allowing you to sense subtle changes in pressure and tempo.
  • Potential for Power: The shoulder-dominant putting stroke promoted by Garsen grips can potentially help some golfers generate more power in their putting stroke. This can be advantageous on longer lag putts where distance control becomes crucial.
  • Enhanced Putting Confidence: When consistency improves, confidence naturally follows. If you’ve struggled with inconsistent putting in the past, the stability offered by Garsen grips may boost your putting confidence, leading to a more assured stroke on the green.

Garsen Grips: Are There Any Drawbacks?

While Garsen grips offer a compelling approach to putting, they may not be a perfect fit for every golfer. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Unorthodox Feel: The unfamiliar shape and palms-facing hand placement of Garsen grips can feel odd at first. It may take time and practice to adjust to this new putting style.
  • Potential Loss of Feel: Some golfers accustomed to feeling the putter with their hands may find that the Garsen grip reduces their sense of touch on the putter. This can take some adjustment as you learn to rely more on body cues and shoulder rotation for feedback.
  • Not a Magic Bullet: Garsen grips, like any other putting aid, are not a guaranteed shortcut to putting nirvana. They require dedication and practice.


I personally use the The Garsen Grip Max and it has been a game changer for me. The biggest thing I get is the instant feedback if I’m out of position or using my wrist. It’s near impossible to putt without knowing it just feels off, I know this sounds weird but you will have to experience the grip to truly understand. It took my mind about 5 minutes on the practice green to understand what position the grip was trying to do with my shoulders, hands and wrist to keep the clubface square through impact.

I have had the grip now for a month and I have had one 3 putt in the 9 rounds I have played since switching from a pistol grip. I make no affiliate dollars by recomending Mr. Garsen to you but he does work with one of my companies to promote the Square Face to his Tour clients. If you would like to know more about his grips and where to buy please click here.

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