High-to-Low Drill: Adjusting for Different Green Speeds

High-to-Low Drill

High-to-Low Drill: Standing on the green, you might feel a mix of excitement and frustration. Facing the challenge of subtle tilts and varying speeds on the greens can be tough. And there’s a familiar feeling when your ball slightly veers off because you misjudged the speed. Yet, there’s a way to get better at putting. It’s through a practice known as the High-to-Low Drill.

The High-to-Low Drill is a top choice for mastering different green speeds. Imagine you’re on a sloped green1. Getting your distance right can mean fewer frustrating moments with three-putts1. This drill improves your control and helps you spot changes in the greens from a distance1. You’ll gain an advantage, whether it’s on fast greens around 9 on the stimpmeter2 or slower greens in damp conditions2.

Start improving today. Let’s explore this drill’s key points and see how better technique can boost your game. No matter the course’s challenges, you’ll be ready.

Key Takeaways

  • The High-to-Low Drill is crucial for developing putting control on varying green speeds.
  • It helps you adapt to different slopes and stimpmeter readings.
  • Mastery of this drill can significantly reduce three-putts and save strokes.
  • The drill enhances your ability to read green tilts and side slopes more effectively1.
  • Understanding different green speeds, from fast to slow, improves overall gameplay2.

Understanding Green Speeds

Understanding how fast or slow golf greens are is key to getting better at putting. Golfers need to look into what affects green speeds. They also need to know how this impacts their putting.

Factors Affecting Green Speed

Different things can change how fast the green is. Things like mowing regularly make the green faster. Keeping the ground dry and even also helps keep the speed consistent. But, weather is something golfers can’t control. While fast greens make the game smoother, they can be hard to keep perfect.

Role of Green Death in Putting

For better putting, knowing how to read greens and adjust for their speed is essential. Knowing how the green slopes is key for guessing how the ball will roll1. On faster greens, balls roll farther, so you need to think more about the path1. For long putts with several turns, break them into parts to figure them out better1. Tools like GolfLogix give top-notch info to help read the greens better1.

Controlling your putt’s speed decreases chances of needing to putt three times1. To do well on greens of any speed, learning how to adjust your putt’s speed is crucial. Practice exercises, like the Ladder Putting Drill, improve accuracy in reading greens. This can significantly lower your scores quickly3.

Factor Influence on Green Speed Putting Implications
Frequency of Mowing Shorter and frequent cuts Smoother, faster green surfaces
Weather Conditions Dryer conditions Increased vulnerability to elements
Ground Consistency Uniform ground conditions Predictable ball roll

The Importance of Green-Reading

Green-reading is a vital skill in golf that blends intuition with science. Understanding how fast the greens are is crucial. This is because quicker greens need more break as they have less friction4. Practice with golf speed drills and putting control techniques is helpful. The grass type, like Bermuda, also affects the putt speed downhill4. Getting good at this can really improve your game.

Science Behind Green-Reading

The science of green-reading looks at how the green’s slope changes the ball’s path. If the ball is on a slope, it will curve more, especially downhill4. The longer the putt, the more it curves4. Aim, speed, and the putting path are crucial for accurate green-reading4. Green-reading apps offer extra help with this.

Techniques to Improve Green-Reading

To get better at reading greens, try spot-putting and arc-putting. These help you see the effect of gravity and the curves on your putts4. The Ladder Putting Drill is great for long putts3, while the Reverse Ladder Drill focuses on improving your putting speed3. Using a putting mat indoors can help too3. Walking around the hole to spot the straightest putts sharpens your green-reading skills5. Keep practicing these techniques to become better.

Mastering the High-to-Low Drill

The High-to-Low Drill is key for golfers wanting to improve at putting. It helps you hit the ball right, no matter how fast the green is. With this drill, golfers learn to adjust their strikes and be consistent.

It teaches you about changing green speeds. And it helps you get your game better than ever.

Benefits of the High-to-Low Drill

This drill makes you better at controlling your putts. It’s really useful on greens that have different speeds. Golfers often struggle with how fast or slow the green is. This drill fixes that.

It lets you feel the ball’s path better. So, you get good at judging distance. And you feel more sure when the putting gets tough.

It has clear steps to follow. Golfers set up four cones, 2 feet apart6. Then, they do the drill 3 to 5 times. This practice builds a strong, reliable putting stroke for any green.

Steps to Execute the Drill

To start the High-to-Low Drill, set up properly and practice with focus. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Setup: Place four cones in a line, 2 feet apart. This setup mimics different green speeds. Adjust your putting stroke based on this6.
  2. Perform Reps: Do 3-5 reps, paying attention to distance and how the ball rolls. This helps you be consistent6. Stats show that this practice really improves your putting7.
  3. Adjust for Speed: Notice how well you adapt to various green speeds. This feedback is key to better strokes7.
  4. Review Errors: Keep track of mistakes to see where you need to get better. This helps fine-tune your technique7.

Following these steps boosts your putting control. You’ll do better on various greens. Mastering this drill brings confidence. And it clearly improves your game, as seen in those who practiced regularly7.


Adjusting to different green speeds is a tricky but crucial skill for golfers. It’s like learning complex basketball defenses. The High-to-Low Drill is key for better putting and performance. It’s similar to how sprint stop closeouts help in basketball8. By getting good at this drill, golfers can become more consistent and confident. This is just like achieving solid defense in basketball by blocking shooters’ space8.

Knowing what affects green speed is important for golfers, like how mowing and weather can change things. It’s crucial, just like understanding the basics in jumping drills makes sprinters better. By mastering these, your control and success on the green will grow. This is like focusing on posture and preparation in drills to move more effectively9.

The High-to-Low Drill improves your control over distance and how the ball rolls and flies. It’s like doing specific drills in sprint training that improve your form and footwork9. Adding these drills to your practice helps you with different green speeds. This leads to more putts made and better scores.

Working on adjusting to green speeds and mastering the High-to-Low Drill can boost your golf game. It’s like improving in basketball with good defense and drill practice. Stick with it, and you’ll see your confidence and performance soar. Plus, you’ll have an edge over other players on the green.


What is the High-to-Low Drill and how does it help with green speed adjustment?

The High-to-Low Drill is a golf drill that helps players adjust their putting to different green speeds. It improves your distance control and how you read the ball’s path. This practice leads to better putting control and higher performance on various greens.

What factors affect green speed in golf?

Green speed is changed by things we can and can’t control. Mowing frequency and how we water the greens are within our control. Weather conditions, however, are out of our hands and can greatly change how fast the greens are. Fast greens are usually the result of shorter, more frequent mowing and drier conditions.

How does green speed impact putting?

Green speed is critical when putting because it affects how the ball moves and its break. On fast greens, you need really precise control. Adapting to different green speeds is key to putt well and score lower.

What is the science behind green-reading?

Green-reading mixes gut feelings with the real science of how landscapes and physics work. Knowing the main slope, how the green was designed, and sensing slopes under your feet are crucial. These help forecast how the ball will roll, making reading greens both an art and a science.

What techniques can improve green-reading abilities?

To better read greens, try breaking long putts into smaller sections, using apps designed for green-reading, and practicing different kinds of putting. These techniques offer a clearer picture of your ball’s path, leading to better aim and control when putting.

What are the benefits of practicing the High-to-Low Drill?

The High-to-Low Drill sharpens your distance control, teaches you about ball path, and builds your confidence on the green. It encourages consistent putting and helps adapt to various green speeds. This drill is great for enhancing your precision on the green.

How should one execute the High-to-Low Drill?

Begin the High-to-Low Drill by setting up a path of tees from the ball to the hole along your intended curve. Pay attention to how the ball rolls and its path while practicing. This drill strengthens your stroke and improves your feel for the greens, boosting your putting game.

Source Links

  1. https://golf.com/instruction/putting/how-perfect-green-reading-drain-putts/
  2. https://www.puttview.com/blog/the-need-for-speed/
  3. https://deercreekflorida.com/blog/articles/putting-drills-pro-use-assessment-distance-line
  4. https://www.golfwrx.com/151128/the-ultimate-putting-program-part-4-green-reading/
  5. https://golf.com/instruction/putting/using-feet-to-read-greens-golftec-patrick-nuber/
  6. https://www.stack.com/a/8-football-drills-for-building-nfl-style-speed-and-explosiveness/
  7. https://jvavolleyball.org/drills-train-good-setting-habits/
  8. https://www.hooperuniversity.com/breakdowns/the-right-way-to-closeout-and-contest
  9. https://simplifaster.com/articles/jumping-drills/