Posture and Alignment: 2 Ingredients to Getting The Fundamentals Right

Posture and Alignment: 2 Ingredients to Getting The Fundamentals Right

Posture and Alignment: Putting may be the art of getting the ball in the hole, but before you start draining long bombs like a pro, let’s get those artistic fundamentals down. Posture and alignment are the building blocks for a consistent stroke, the key to sinking more putts and lowering your scores.

Building a Strong Foundation: Posture

Think of your posture as the base of your putting stroke. A balanced and comfy stance keeps you steady and lets you read the green like a champ. Here’s how to create a winning posture:

  • Shoulder-Width Apart: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart for a stable base that lets you move freely. Imagine it as your putting platform.
  • Bend at the Hips: Think pendulum! Give your knees a slight bend and hinge at the hips for a smooth, controlled stroke. Imagine your arms hanging naturally and swinging back and forth.
  • Flex Those Knees: A slight knee bend is your friend for balance and stability. Think of them as coiled springs ready to release power into your stroke. Find a comfortable flex that feels grounded.
  • Balanced Weight: Imagine your weight evenly distributed, like a perfectly balanced seesaw. This promotes a consistent putting motion.
  • Spine Angle: Keep your spine relatively straight with a slight tilt towards the target. This lets you see the line clearly and promotes a straight stroke.
  • Eye Position: Line your eyes directly over the ball for accurate distance and line judgement.
  • Relaxed Upper Body: Keep your shoulders and arms loose. Tension can make your stroke jerky. Aim for a natural, flowing motion.
  • Grip Pressure: Maintain a light and consistent grip. Gripping too tight can mess with your feel for distance control. Find a grip that’s firm but comfortable.

Pointing Yourself Towards Success: Alignment

Proper alignment is like a putting GPS, guiding your ball to the hole. Here’s how to hit that putting bullseye:

  • Square Up: Imagine your shoulders and hips parallel to your target line. This square setup keeps things moving straight and minimizes unwanted wobbles.
  • Square Putter Face: Make sure your putter face is also square to the target line. Any misalignment can send your putt way off course. Double-check before you stroke!
  • Pick a Target: Choose a spot a few feet in front of your ball that lies on your intended line. This helps aim your putter and body square.
  • Develop a Routine: Create a consistent pre-putt routine that includes precise alignment. Repetition builds muscle memory for a reliable process.
  • See It, Sink It: Visualize the entire putt line from your ball to the hole. This mental picture helps you see the path the ball needs to take and promotes accurate alignment.
  • Maintain Alignment: Stay focused on keeping your alignment throughout the stroke. Subtle changes can happen during the putting motion. Be aware and adjust if needed.

Mastering posture and alignment takes practice, but it’s an investment that will pay off big time. By focusing on these fundamentals and refining your technique, you’ll be sinking more putts with confidence in no time. Now get out there and start holing those birdie putts!

Posture and Alignment:

The Square Face And Putt Like A Pro Book

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