Pressure Putts: 5 Ways to Tame Them.

5 Ways to tame pressure putts

Pressure putts are going to come knocking every time you step up to a competitive match. It’s all about how you handle them that separates the weekend hackers from the champions. Here’s how to stay ice cold when the heat is on:

Welcome the Pressure Putts: Don’t Fear the Green Monster

Don’t fear the pressure putts, it’s just part of the game! Instead, see it as a chance to prove your skills under fire. Pressure putts are your opportunity to step up and be the hero, the one to drain the winning putt and etch your name in golfing history.

Channel Your Inner Zen

Visualization is a key mental strategy for sinking important putts. Close your eyes and see the putt rolling perfectly down the green, curving gently into the cup. See the ball disappearing into the hole with a satisfying “thwack.” Rehearse the putt in your mind before you even step onto the green.

Develop a Pre-Shot Routine

Having a pre-shot routine is essential for any golfer, but it’s especially important for pressure putts. Your routine should help you clear your head, focus on the task at hand, and execute a smooth, repeatable stroke. Here’s a sample pre-shot routine you can try:

  • Visualize Your Line: Once you’ve taken a good read of the putt, close your eyes and visualize your putting line. See the ball rolling down that line, taking into account any breaks or slopes.
  • Waggle and Feel: Make a few practice waggles with your putter to get a feel for the weight and tempo of the club.
  • Take a Deep Breath: Take a deep breath and exhale slowly to center yourself and release any tension.
  • Focus on Contact: As you address the ball, focus on making pure contact with the center of the putter face.
  • Trust Your Stroke: Trust the putting stroke you’ve developed through practice. Don’t overthink it or try to hit the putt too hard.

Putting is All About Feel

While there’s definitely a place for mechanics and technique in putting, it’s ultimately a feel-based game. You need to be able to feel the weight of the putter, the speed of the greens, and the distance of the putt. The more you practice putting, the more you’ll develop your feel for the game.

Putting Drills to Sharpen Your Skills

There are a number of putting drills you can do to sharpen your skills and build confidence on the green. Here are a few to try:

  • Lag Putting Drill: Find a relatively flat, straight putt of 30-40 feet. Make 10 putts in a row, focusing on hitting your lag putts close to the hole. This drill will help you develop your distance control.
  • Pressure Putt Drill: Set up a few different pressure putt scenarios on the practice green. Try making a birdie putt to win the hole, or a par putt to avoid a bogey. The more you practice pressure putts, the more comfortable you’ll become with them in a game situation.
  • Gate Drill: Set up two tees or pencils about a putter-head width apart on either side of your target line. The goal is to sink the putt while making sure the ball rolls through the gate without hitting either tee. This drill will help you improve your putting accuracy.

Putting with Confidence

The most important ingredient for sinking pressure putts is confidence. Believe in yourself and your ability to make the putt. If you walk up to a putt with doubt in your mind, it’s already over. Here are a few tips for building confidence on the green:

  • Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome: Don’t focus on the outcome of the putt, whether it’s a birdie or a bogey. Instead, focus on the process of hitting a good putt. Trust that if you execute your putting stroke properly, the results will follow.
  • Positive Self-Talk: Talk to yourself in a positive way. Tell yourself that you can make the putt, and that you’ve hit this putt before. Avoid negative self-talk, such as “I can’t miss this putt” or “I’m going to choke.”
  • Learn from Your Mistakes: Everyone misses putts, even the pros. When you do miss a putt, learn from your mistake and move on. Don’t dwell on it or let it affect your next putt.


Remember, your mind is your greatest asset on the putting green. Find a mental approach that works for you and keep refining it as you go. With each putt, you have a chance to elevate your mental game and become a putting legend!

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