Improving Golf Swing Speed: 5 Excellent Exercises That Can Significantly Improve You

Improving golf swing speed: 5 excellent exercises that can significantly improve you Improving Golf swing Speed: Hitting the ball farther isn’t just about bragging rights on the long drive contest hole. It translates into more reachable par 5s in two, rescued drives that find the fairway instead of the rough, and overall lower scores. While… Continue reading Improving Golf Swing Speed: 5 Excellent Exercises That Can Significantly Improve You

Who Brought Golf to America: Can More Than 1 Person Lay Claim

Who Brought Golf to America: Can More Than 1 Person Lay Claim Who Brought Golf To America: Alright, all you scramblers and shot shapers, listen up! We’re taking a Mulligan on the history books today to tee off on a question that’s been puzzling historians for ages: Who brought the grand game of golf across… Continue reading Who Brought Golf to America: Can More Than 1 Person Lay Claim

Who Invented Golf: Can More Than 1 Country Lay Claim

Who Invented Golf: Can More Than 1 Country Lay Claim Who Invented Golf: Alright, duffers and weekend warriors, gather ’round the virtual green for a deep dive into the murky origins of our beloved game. We’re all familiar with the challenge of sinking a birdie putt or escaping a sand trap, but who first teed… Continue reading Who Invented Golf: Can More Than 1 Country Lay Claim

Divot Repair Tool: 5 Tools to Make it Easier for You to Repair

Divot Repair Tool: 5 Tools to make it easier for you to repair Divot Repair Tool: They say a good golfer leaves nothing but a divot on the green. Well, that’s only half the story, partner. A true greenskeeper at heart repairs those divots too, ensuring the putting surface stays smooth and inviting for everyone.… Continue reading Divot Repair Tool: 5 Tools to Make it Easier for You to Repair

Divot Repair Steps: 7 Keys To Proper Repair

Divot Repair Steps: 7 Keys To Proper Repair Divot Repair Steps: They say good golfers leave the course better than they found it. While sinking clutch putts and driving the ball like a pro are all well and good, there’s another mark of a true golfing gentleman (or gentlewoman) – proper divot repair. Those little… Continue reading Divot Repair Steps: 7 Keys To Proper Repair

Side-Saddle Putting: 5 Advantages That May Make This Right for You

Side-Saddle Putting: 5 Advantages that may make this right for you Side-Saddle Putting: Let’s face it, putting can be the bane of even the most seasoned golfer’s existence. Those missed three-footers that haunt your scorecard, the dreaded yips that throw your stroke into disarray – we’ve all been there. In the constant quest for putting… Continue reading Side-Saddle Putting: 5 Advantages That May Make This Right for You

The Reverse Overlap Putting Grip: 2 Things That Might Make This Style The Best For You

The Reverse Overlap Putting Grip: 2 Things That Might Make This Style The Best For You The Reverse Overlap Putting Grip: While a smooth, repeatable stroke is key to holing putts, a comfortable and effective grip is the foundation upon which it’s built. Today, we’re diving deep into the world of palm connection in putting,… Continue reading The Reverse Overlap Putting Grip: 2 Things That Might Make This Style The Best For You

The Arm-Lock Putting Grip: 3 Things to Master Before Giving it a Go

The Arm-Lock Putting Grip: 3 Things to Master before Giving it a go The Arm-Lock Putting Grip: For some, the traditional putting grip, with its reliance on hand and wrist action, feels more like a frustrating tango. Enter the arm-lock putting grip, a technique gaining traction on the tours and in local clubhouses alike. But… Continue reading The Arm-Lock Putting Grip: 3 Things to Master Before Giving it a Go

The Claw Putting Grip: 3 Things to Balance Before Making the Switch

The Claw Putting Grip: 3 Things to Balance before making the switch The Claw Putting Grip: Putting woes can plague even the most seasoned golfers. Enter the claw grip, a putting technique that’s been around for decades but continues to spark debate. This unorthodox grip, favored by Tour pros like Keegan Bradley and Webb Simpson,… Continue reading The Claw Putting Grip: 3 Things to Balance Before Making the Switch

Left Hand Low Putting Grip: 4 Things to Consider Before Making the Switch

Left Hand Low Putting Grip: 4 Things to consider before making the switch Left Hand Low Putting Grip: Every golfer knows the sinking feeling of a missed putt, especially those short ones that leave your stomach churning. You grip the putter tighter, stare down the line with laser focus, yet the ball stubbornly veers offline.… Continue reading Left Hand Low Putting Grip: 4 Things to Consider Before Making the Switch