The Role of Caddies in Golf

The Role of Caddies in Golf

The Role of Caddies in Golf:  Caddies are key figures in golf, offering vital support on and off the course. They do more than carry clubs; they keep bags stocked with balls and tees, fix divots, and rake sand traps1. They wear a uniform of a collared shirt, dress pants, and good shoes, and may wear a caddie bib during tournaments1. It’s important for them to know golf terms and how far clubs can hit, so they can give the best advice1.

Caddies get ready for each round by bringing a scorecard, pencil, towel, tees, balls, and any special items the golfer asks for1. They must know the course well, including hazards and out-of-bounds areas, to offer precise advice1. Being quiet and still during shots shows their professionalism1. A good relationship between caddie and golfer matters a lot. Studies have found that a good partnership could improve a golf’er’s performance by one stroke each round2,1.

The Role of Caddies in Golf Key Takeaways

  • Caddies handle numerous responsibilities beyond carrying clubs.
  • They dress appropriately and understand golf terminology.
  • Preparation for each round includes organizing equipment and being attentive to the golfer’s needs.
  • Knowing the course layout is crucial for providing accurate strategic advice.
  • A strong caddy-golfer relationship can enhance performance.

The History and Evolution of Golf Caddies

Golf caddies have a long and fascinating history, tied closely to the game. Starting in 1691 at St. Andrews, they’ve been essential, helping golfers3. Their role has grown from mere club carriers to key strategists on the field. The name “caddy” comes from French military cadets who helped Mary, Queen of Scots.

By 1890, St. Andrews had a benefits fund for caddies in need3. The rise of golf carts in the 1950s, however, threatened their jobs. By the 1970s, carts had become common, but there’s been a push towards traditional caddying since then3.

Professional tournaments changed caddies’ jobs too. For example, the Masters at Augusta National, starting in 1934, made golfers use club caddies until 19834. Augusta had famous caddies like Willie Peterson, who helped Jack Nicklaus win five Masters4. Nowadays, caddies are tech-savvy, using tools like range finders to improve their service.

Key Takeaways

  • Caddies have been integral to golf since at least 1691 at St. Andrews3.
  • The term “caddy” likely originated from French military cadets carrying clubs for Mary, Queen of Scots.
  • Golf carts became widespread by the 1970s, endangering the traditional role of the caddy3.
  • Efforts to revive traditional caddying require careful strategy and golfer support3.
  • The Masters tournament utilized club caddies exclusively until 19834.
  • Modern professional caddies utilize advanced technology to aid their golfers.
  • Notable caddies like Willie Peterson and Carl “Skillet” Jackson have left significant legacies at major tournaments4.

Primary Duties of Caddies

Golf caddies do more than just carry clubs. They combine physical work, smart advice, and support. Their main job is to keep the golf gear in top shape. This means they clean clubs and balls with a towel and fix any damage on the course1. They also need to know the course well, like the distance to greens and where dangers are5. This knowledge helps them give good advice to golfers on which paths to take1.

Caddies watch where the ball goes and suggest the right club for the next move, understanding the golfer’s style5. They prepare a list of items needed for the game, like scorecards and towels, making sure nothing is missed1. During play, they measure how far the ball is from the green to help choose the right club and plan the shot1. Caddies play a vital role in keeping the golfer focused and performing well.

Key Takeaways

  • Caddies are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and organization of golf equipment51.
  • In-depth knowledge of the golf course allows caddies to provide valuable strategic advice51.
  • Caddies track the ball’s direction and recommend the best club for each shot5.
  • Maintaining a pre-game checklist ensures that all necessary items are accounted for1.
  • Caddies measure and communicate distances to the green to aid in shot planning1.

13 Responsibilities That Make Caddies Indispensable in GolfCaddying 101


Caddies play a key role in golf, not just by carrying clubs. They’ve grown from their early days to become vital today. They know the game well and offer big support to golfers. This helps create a strong team on the golf course.

The way caddying has changed over time has greatly affected the sport. The bond between a caddie and golfer is based on trust and knowing each other well.6 This connection can make a golfer play better. Golfers pay caddies $1,000 to $2,000 a week and give them a share of their winnings.2

Yet, caddies often struggle with money and job security. Sadly, 70% can’t save for retirement, and half don’t have health insurance7. Also, 90% of challenge tour golfers don’t make money, putting more pressure on caddies2. This shows we need to treat caddies better and pay them fairly.

Caddies are truly important in golf. Their hard work and impact on the game can’t be ignored. As golf changes, supporting caddies is crucial for the sport’s future success and honor.


What is the primary role of a caddy in golf?

A caddy does much more than just carry golf clubs. They keep equipment in top shape, help pick the right club, and guide through the course. This vital support adds greatly to the golfing experience.

Can you explain the historical roots of the term “caddy”?

The word “caddy” comes from the time of Mary, Queen of Scots. It was inspired by French military cadets carrying her clubs. Since then, caddying has grown to be an essential part of golf.

How has the role of caddies evolved over time?

Caddies started with simple tasks like carrying clubs. Now, they use tech like range finders, plan strategies, maintain gear, and boost morale. Their role is key in today’s golf.

What are some of the primary duties of caddies today?

Today’s caddies pick the best clubs and keep gear clean and ready. They give advice, navigate the course, measure distances, motivate, and prep the golfer mentally for the game.

How do caddies maintain golf equipment?

Caddies keep golf equipment spotless and organized. They clean clubs, handle balls, check the bag’s condition, and ensure all game tools are ready and in good shape.

How significant is the golfer-caddy relationship in professional golf?

In pro golf, the golfer-caddy bond is crucial. Caddies offer vital tech and strategy support along with emotional and motivational encouragement. This partnership greatly affects performance and enjoyment.

Can you mention some famous caddies in golf history?

Famous caddies like Steve Williams, Tiger Woods’ caddy, and Jim “Bones” Mackay, Phil Mickelson’s long-term caddy, have left a big mark. Their roles in their players’ achievements are highly valued.

How has technology impacted the role of caddies?

Tech has changed the caddy role significantly, with tools for exact distance measures and better game planning. This tech uplifts their support role, making them more pivotal in golf than ever.

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